在这个系列的博客中 卫生局局长的框架, we will be breaking down each of the five essentials for workplace mental-health & well-being and ways you can implement the recommendations into your workplace.

To read our recommendations on other essentials here:

基本5: 成长的机会

最后但并非最不重要的. The next well-being essential focuses on ensuring employees have opportunities to grow in the workplace. They 需要 to have and experience 公平的 opportunities to learn, to be able to successfully perform and achieve goals. 

According to the Surgeon General’s report, there are three primary components to supporting this essential this learning to achieve growth: 

  • Offer 质量培训, education, and mentoring. 
  • Foster clear, 公平的 pathways for 职业发展. 
  • 确保相关的、互惠的反馈. 

So, how do we begin to work towards or strengthen these 元素s in our workplaces? 让我们来分析一下. 


Ways to Implement in Your Workplace – Essential 5 – 机会 for 增长


鼓励 growth should be an ongoing 努力, and 这是 并不总是那么容易. It 真的需要 努力. 然而, if we embrace the 需要 to make sure this exists and think about it in terms of increasing the well-being of both people and the organization – it can light a little bit of fire for this to be a priority. 正如我们认识到的重要性 提供 质量培训, 透明的职业道路, 以及相关的反馈, we lay the foundation for a workplace where employees not only feel valued but also see a clear path for 他们的 personal and professional success. Small, intentional steps toward growth can lead to significant positive changes in well-being, 工作满意度, 整体生产力. 

Interested in more suggestions for your workplace?

Our 战略与咨询 team can help!